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The IBFD book collection is an invaluable source of information for thousands of tax specialists around the globe. We publish comprehensive reference works as well as specialized works on a wide variety of topics, such as tax compliance and transparency, transfer pricing, tax treaties, BEPS and the digital economy.

Our books are published as individual titles or volumes in book series, in three easy-to-use formats: print, eBook and online. In addition to our own webshop we offer our books via trusted resellers, to make sure your work gets maximum visibility among readers worldwide.

Publish with us to get the best possible exposure for your research.


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Your manuscript may be submitted for publication as a stand-alone title, or as a volume in one of the following book series:

  • EATLP International Tax Series
  • EC and International Tax Law Series
  • Global Tax Series
  • GREIT Series
  • IBFD Doctoral Series
  • IBFD Tax Research Series
  • Tax Treaty Case Law around the Globe Series
  • WU Tax Law and Policy Series

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IBFD adheres to strict standards to ensure the high quality of its publications. We follow international editorial conventions that optimize their retrievability as source material, such as the inclusion of fully descriptive titles and cover texts and complete bibliographic information for all cited references.

Submitted manuscripts must consist of original, unpublished material and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Book proposals and manuscripts can be submitted to the Book Publisher.

Please submit the following material with your proposal:

  • Aims and scope
  • Short list of topical keywords
  • Detailed table of contents
  • Sample chapter
  • List of competing titles
  • Technical specifications
  • Curriculum vitae

More detailed information regarding manuscript submission can be found in our Instructions for Book Authors below. 

Your book proposal will be carefully reviewed for its originality, quality and suitability. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of tax-technical content, intended audience, market potential and suitability for our publishing programme.

The Publisher and/or the Editor reserve the right to make or suggest appropriate amendments prior to publication. We aim to notify you of the decision for acceptance, rejection or need for revision within six to ten weeks of receipt of the complete proposal.

If your work is accepted for publication, you will be asked to sign IBFD’s standard author agreement. Contributors to edited volumes will be asked to sign a contributor agreement.

In these agreements we ask that you transfer the copyright of your work to IBFD, so we can offer unlimited access to our extensive network of readers via our platforms and distribution channels. You retain all proprietary rights other than copyright (such as patent and trademark rights) to your work and any process or procedure described therein.

By signing our standard agreement, you acknowledge that permission for publication has been obtained from all authors and, if applicable, from the responsible authorities at the institute where the work or research was carried out.

Green Open Access

We support Green Open Access for several of our subscription-based publications. This type of Open Access is more commonly known as self-archiving: the posting of the author’s own work in various online environments for non-commercial and research purposes.

IBFD permits authors of certain publications to self-archive their work in accordance with the conditions outlined below. Publications that are not listed below may only be referenced by their metadata, abstract, and – where relevant – a link to the publication’s dedicated page on the IBFD website or in the IBFD Shop. In all cases, the author should provide proper acknowledgement to the (forthcoming) publication by IBFD.


Which self-archiving options are available depends on the version of the work. A work has three different main versions, based on the stage in the publishing process: the Author’s Original Version, the Accepted Manuscript and the Published Work.

Author’s Original Version (preprint)

The AOV or preprint version is the author’s own write-up of research results and analysis that has been submitted for publication but has not yet had any value added to it by the publisher, such as review, formatting, copy-editing or technical enhancement. All drafts of a work prior to the Accepted Manuscript are considered preprints. 

Acknowledgement to be provided:

This is a preprint version of a work that was submitted for publication in [publication/collection citation details] (year), [collection name] IBFD. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication.

Accepted Manuscript (postprint)

The Accepted Manuscript or postprint version is the author’s version of the manuscript that has been accepted for publication and may include any author-incorporated changes suggested through the processes of submission, review and editor-author communications. Accepted Manuscripts do not include other value-adding contributions of the publisher, such as copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements and, if relevant, pagination. All versions of a work from the accepted version onward until the work is published are considered postprints.

Acknowledgement to be provided:

This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in [publication/collection citation details] (year), [collection name] IBFD. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. 

Once copyright is transferred, the following copyright notice should be added: ‘© IBFD. Reproduced with permission.’

Published Work

The Published Work is the definitive record of research that appears or will appear in a publication or collection and that incorporates all value-adding publisher activities, including copy-editing, formatting and, if relevant, pagination.

Permission to reproduce the Published Work should be requested from IBFD Rights & Permissions. The proper acknowledgement for reproduction of a Published Work will be provided to the requestor if the permission is granted.

Metadata & Abstract

All versions of a work may be referenced by its Metadata and Abstract, and – where relevant – a link to the publication’s dedicated page on the IBFD website or in the IBFD Shop. The Metadata of a work generally comprise key elements such as the author name(s), the title of the work (+ subtitle, if available), the title of the IBFD publication (collection, book series, journal title), the volume or issue number, the number of pages, ISBN/ISSN, DOI link, the name of the publishing company and the publication year. The Abstract is a short description or summary of the work.

Self-archiving conditions per publication type

Below you will find an overview of the conditions for self-archiving per publication type.

Please note:

  • AOV’s (preprints) and Accepted Manuscripts should not be added to or enhanced in any way to appear more like, or to substitute for, the final version of the work. 
  • Copyright is transferred once the author has signed the Publishing Agreement. After copyright transfer, the AOV (preprint) should be replaced by the work’s Metadata and Abstract, and the record updated with a publication reference and, if available, a link to the publication’s dedicated page on the IBFD website or in the IBFD Shop.
  • For publications that are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), the author should include the DOI link to increase exposure of the work.
  • The embargo period for posting of the Accepted Manuscript starts on the date of first online publication by IBFD.
  • Requests to use the Published Work will be granted in exceptional cases only. Conditions may apply.
  • Use for commercial gain (whether for a fee or for free) or to substitute for services provided by IBFD is not permitted. Examples of commercial use include the sharing or posting by companies of their employee-authored works for use by their customers or clients; directly associating advertising with such posting; resale and other commercial exploitation of IBFD material (incl. the charging of fees for document delivery or access); creation of derivative works by third parties for commercial purposes; and for-profit educational use by a third party (incl. in electronic course packs and courseware programs).


Publication typeProtected personal or institutional websites and (funder) repositoriesPublic websites, open-access repositories (incl. SSRN), preprint servers and social media channels
Metadata & AbstractAOV or PreprintAccepted ManuscriptPublished WorkMetadata & AbstractAOV or PreprintAccepted ManuscriptPublished Work

News report

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer48-hour embargo, max. 10 per yearx

Talking Points

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer30-day embargox

Case summary

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer6-month embargox

Journal article

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer6-month embargox

Book chapter

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer6-month embargox

Full book (monograph)

üüüUpon requestüUntil copyright transfer12-month embargox

Reproduction for personal or internal institutional purposes is permitted under certain conditions, as stipulated in your agreement. IBFD does not allow the posting of these final versions on open-access websites, but you may post the book’s metadata, table of contents and blurb/cover text and a link to the book page on the IBFD website to increase exposure. Contributors to edited volumes may also include a chapter abstract.

Permission for types of (re)use other than those described in your agreement should be requested via IBFD Rights & Permissions.

The applicable remuneration, monetary and/or in kind, is stipulated in your agreement. Editors, authors and contributors will receive one or more complimentary copies of the print book and/or eBook. Further book copies may be purchased for personal use at a 30% discount.

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