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MLI Treaty Status Monitor
14 January 2021
New Products
Checking MLI Treaty Status Made Easy

Checking the status of the applicability of the MLI to a treaty is now much easier with the new MLI Treaty Status filter.

Brexit Tax Dossier updated
13 January 2021
IBFD & Industry News
Brexit Tax Dossier updated

Our Brexit Tax Dossier has been updated to reflect the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union after the expiration of the transition period

Easy footnote navigation
25 December 2020
IBFD & Industry News
Easy footnote navigation

If an article or text has a footnote, you can do two things:

  • Place your cursor on the footnote and a description of the footnote appears (on laptop and desktop devices only).
birds eye view of globe
25 October 2020
IBFD & Industry News
Transfer Pricing Documentation tables now covering 92 jurisdictions

The Transfer Pricing country tables providing guidance on CbC reporting, Master File and/or Local File requirements have been expanded.