Journal Articles and Opinion Pieces
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Our journal articles and opinion pieces provide the most authoritative source of analysis of current tax developments.
Ranked in several scientific and country indexes and with contributions by leading tax experts, our journals and article collections offer high-quality research on the issues that impact you. You can customize your selection to receive the articles that best suit your specific interests and needs.
Up-to-the-minute and thought-provoking: Our articles and opinion pieces keep you at the top of your game.
A must-have resource for tax professionals with business interests in the Asia-Pacific region.
This online collection brings you detailed coverage of taxation and investment issues in Asia (including Central Asian countries) and the Western Pacific rim. Comprehensive analyses of the regional developments that impact international business and trade make this an invaluable resource for anyone working in these flourishing markets.
- Explores tax developments throughout the Asia-Pacific region from an international perspective
- Includes all articles published in the Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin
- Includes articles on Asia-Pacific countries published in our other journals and article collections
- Online access to all issues published since 1999
- ISSN: 2352-9164
Managing Editor
Min Shi, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rachel Saw, IBFD Asia-Pacific, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Associate Editor
Bernard Schneider, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Editorial Board
- Ramesh Adhikari, Asian Development Bank, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Duncan Bentley, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
- Wei Cui, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China
- Bart Kosters, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Pramod Kumar, Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad, India
- Michael Lennard, Financing for Development Office – United Nations, New York, United States
- Yoshihiro Masui, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Shyamal Mukherjee, PricewaterhouseCoopers, New Delhi, India
- Phat Tan Nguyen, Ernst & Young, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Michael Olesnicky, Baker & McKenzie, Hong Kong
- David Partington, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France
- John Prebble, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Pieter L. de Ridder, Mayer Brown, Singapore
- Veerinderjeet Singh, Taxand, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Asia-Pacific Tax Bulletin is included in the following indexes and rankings:
- ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
- Australian Business Deans Council List (ABDC)
.View the latest Journal Articles from the Asia Pacific Tax Bulletin.
Discover a wealth of information on the key topics impacting taxation and investment in Europe.
This collection offers detailed analyses of key legal and policy developments affecting taxation and investment in Europe. It also contains brief notes outlining important changes in European taxation, including new laws, amendments to laws, tax treaty interpretations, rulings and court decisions, as well as comprehensive updates on EU developments relating to the Commission, Council, Parliament and Court of Justice.
- Includes news, discussions and proposals from the Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE)
- Includes all articles published in European Taxation
- Includes articles on European countries published in our other journals and article collections
- Online access to all issues published since 1999
- ISSN: 2352-9199
Managing Editor
Julie Rogers-Glabush, Tax Lawyer, Member of the Law Society of Ontario, Canada
Chief Editor
Ola Ostaszewska, Manager European Knowledge Group, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Editorial Board
Francesco Avella, Managing Partner, Studio Avella e Associati and Honorary Fellow at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy
Daniel Gutmann, Professor, Sorbonne Law School, University Paris-1 and Partner and Attorney at Law, CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, Paris, France
Belema R. Obuoforibo, Director Knowledge Centre, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Viktoria Wöhrer (Austria), Werner E. Heyvaert (Belgium), Lubka Tzenova (Bulgaria), Nikolaj Bjørnholm (Denmark), Andreas Kallergis (France), Petra Eckl (Germany), Katerina Perrou (Greece), Roland Felkai (Hungary), Vigdis Sigurvaldadottir (Iceland), Tom Maguire (Ireland), Guglielmo Maisto (Italy), Zigurds G. Kronbergs (Latvia), Jean Schaffner (Luxembourg), Robert Attard (Malta), Frank P.G. Pötgens (Netherlands), Bogumił Brzeziński (Poland), Francisco de Sousa da Câmara (Portugal), Kirill Tasalov (Russia), Iulia Radocea (Romania), Zuzana Blazejova (Slovak Republic), Rafael Calvo (Spain), Adriano Marantelli (Switzerland), Billur Yaltı (Türkiye), Sergiy Melnik (Ukraine) and Belema Obuoforibo (United Kingdom)
European Taxation is included in the following indexes and rankings:
- ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
- Publication Forum (JUFO, Finland)
- Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR, Spain)
- Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Journal List
- Australian Business Deans Council List (ABDC)
- VHB-JOURQUAL 3 (Germany)
View the latest Journal Articles from European Taxation.
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An invaluable source of information for tax professionals and financial market experts worldwide.
This online collection brings you detailed articles on topics concerning the taxation of financial products and markets, as well as overviews of recent developments in tax law relevant to the financial services industry. Focusing on developments in international financial taxation, it also covers regulatory and accounting issues that are relevant for tax practitioners.
- Comparative country surveys compiled by leading local specialists offer different perspectives
- Includes all articles formerly published in Derivatives & Financial Instruments
- Includes articles on finance and capital markets published in our other journals and article collections
- Online access to all issues published since 1999
- ISSN: 2666-8041
Managing Editor
Khadija Baggerman-Noudari, Owner, Adreyn Tax Consultancy; Tax Consultant, Cape Investment Partners, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Editorial Board
Paul Carman, Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, United States
Anton Joseph, Solicitor, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom; Fellow of The Tax Institute (FTI), Australia; Compliance Manager, Sydney, Australia
Freddy Karyadi, ABNR Law, Jakarta, Indonesia
Guglielmo Maisto, Maisto e Associati, Milan, Italy
Silvain Niekel, Ernst & Young, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Flavio Rubinstein, Vettori, Rubinstein & Foz, São Paulo, Brazil
Eelco van der Stok, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Finance and Capital Markets (formerly: Derivatives & Financial Instruments) is included in the following indexes and rankings:
- ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
- Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI, Denmark)
- Publication Forum (JUFO, Finland)
- Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Journal List
- Australian Business Deans Council List (ABDC)
- Qualis (Brazil)
View the latest Journal Articles from Finance & Capital Markets.
An essential resource for every professional dealing with transfer pricing in their day-to-day work.
This collection combines reports on the latest domestic transfer pricing developments with analytical and comparative surveys of topics in this dynamic field. Its worldwide coverage with country-by-country analysis gives you a unique global perspective on transfer pricing issues for corporate tax purposes.
- Includes industry sector-specific articles, discussions on recent transfer pricing cases and developments, news reports and case law
- Includes all articles published in the International Transfer Pricing Journal
- Includes articles on transfer pricing published in our other journals and article collections
- Online access to all issues published since 1999
- ISSN: 2352-9172
Managing Editor
Dr Rijkele Betten, Senior Principal Research Associate, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Editorial Board
Xaver Ditz, Flick Gocke Schaumburg and University of Trier, Germany; University of Zurich and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Guglielmo Maisto, Maisto e Associati, Milan, Italy
Martin Lagarden, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Düsseldorf, Germany
Vispi T. Patel, Vispi T. Patel & Associates, Mumbai, India
International Transfer Pricing Journal is included in the following indexes and rankings:
- ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
- Australian Business Deans Council List (ABDC)
View the latest Journal Articles from the International Transfer Pricing Journal .
Comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in VAT and sales tax worldwide.
More than 165 jurisdictions levy a general turnover tax in the form of a Value added Tax (VAT). This collection provides in-depth comparisons of the application of VAT in different jurisdictions as well as analyses of VAT court cases, including cases before the ECJ. In addition, you will receive concise news reports on important developments and case law in VAT and related areas.
- Global coverage of the topics and cases defining the VAT landscape
- Includes all articles published in the International VAT Monitor
- Includes articles on VAT published in our other journals and article collections
- Online access to all issues published since 1999
- ISSN: 2352-9210
Managing Editor
Fabiola Annacondia, IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Technical editor
Marie Lamensch, Professor, UCLouvain and the Free University of Brussels; Lawyer, Arteo Law, Brussels, Belgium
Editorial Board
Gorka Echevarría Zubeldia, Global Head of Indirect Taxes, Lexmark; Professor of Indirect Tax, EPJ Center, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Mariken van Hilten (chair), Vice-President, Supreme Court of the Netherlands; Professor of Indirect Tax, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Soo How Koh, Executive Director, Koh SH & Associates Pte Ltd; Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) and Committee Member (GST), SCTP; Associate, SUSS; Lecturer/Lead Examiner, Tax Academy; Former Partner/APAC Indirect Tax Leader, PwC SG, Singapore
Ine Lejeune, Attorney-at-Law, Ine Lejeune BV, Ghent, Belgium; Lecturer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria and the Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Michael W.M. van de Leur, Tax Lawyer and Partner, Lenos VAT & Customs Lawyers, The Hague, Netherlands
Patrick Wille, President, VAT Forum CV, Grimbergen, Belgium
International VAT Monitor is included in the following indexes and rankings:
- ProQuest Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
- ANVUR Rating of Scientific Journals (Italy)
- Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR, Spain)
View the latest Journal Articles from the International VAT Monitor.