Tax Events Calendar


DocMIT PITF event image
5-6 February 2025
Doctoral Meeting of Researchers in International Taxation (DocMIT) and Postdoctoral International Tax Forum (PITF)

The purpose of the DocMIT and PITF is to provide researchers with an opportunity to discuss their current research projects with leading academics and a select circle of colleagues.

5 - 6 February 2025
Joanna Wheeler Seminar
7 February 2025
IBFD Headquarters, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
International Tax Law, Past, Present and Future - A Seminar to Mark the Retirement of Joanna Wheeler

At the end of March 2025, Joanna Wheeler, Senior Principal Associate in IBFD's Academic Department, will retire after an impressive career spanning over 40 years with the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD).

7 February 2025 09:15 - 16:30