10th Africa Tax Symposium

28 - 30 May 2025
Kigali Serena Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda

Join us in Kigali, Rwanda, from 28-30 May 2025 for the Africa Tax Symposium! Celebrate 10 years of ATS with us as we look back on a decade of collaboration and look forward to many more. See you in Rwanda!

20% Early Bird Discount is available if you register before 28 March 2025.

Register now

10th ATS logo


Become a Sponsor

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of IBFD’s Africa Tax Symposium, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us at conference@ibfd.org for more information.


The upcoming 10th Africa Tax Symposium anticipates thought-provoking examination of crucial issues shaping the fiscal landscape. Our programme will explore international tax intricacies, analyzing recent developments and emerging issues. 

During the symposium we will shine a spotlight on the pressing issues surrounding Africa’s response to the Global Minimum Tax, tax treaty and transfer pricing developments within the continent demanding adept navigation through the complexities of legislation and policy shifts. We will also discuss trade, investment, and domestic resource mobilization in Africa, exploring opportunities, obstacles, and practical perspectives pivotal for fostering economic growth. The symposium will conclude with a reflection on Africa's capacity to shape the international tax agenda in an era of evolving fiscal paradigms.

In line with our Symposium's tradition, we will hold a special session, the “Host Country Focus”. This session focuses on an issue of great relevance to the host country for the Symposium. This year's Host Country Focus will centre on effective dispute resolution in Rwanda.

The symposium promises once again to be a crucible of thought leadership and practical insights, propelling Africa towards a more resilient and equitable tax future.

Pre-Symposium Masterclass 

In the days leading up to the ATS from the 26-27 May, we will hold a masterclass. Building on the success of previous masterclasses, the 2025 Africa Masterclass will feature tailored sessions to deepen participants' understanding and equip them with practical insights on current tax challenges. This comprehensive training is ideal for those seeking a more intensive exploration of the regional tax landscape before the ATS.  

Join us in Kigali for this historic 10-year celebration and be part of the conversation shaping the future of taxation in Africa! 



Le Symposium fiscal africain est le principal forum de discussion sur les questions de fiscalité internationale pertinentes pour le continent. Unique en son genre, il adopte une approche multidimensionnelle et rassemble des perspectives issues de la politique, de la pratique, de l'administration, de l'industrie et du monde universitaire. 

Forte d'une réputation de débats de grande qualité, la dixième édition du Symposium fiscal africain a rassemblé un large éventail d'orateurs acclamés. Les participants au Symposium fiscal africain viennent de toute l'Afrique et représentent un réseau mondial de professionnels de la fiscalité et de leaders d'opinion. 

La dixième édition du Symposium fiscal africain se tiendra à Kigali, au Rwanda, du 28 au 30 mai 2025. 

Une session spéciale « Focus sur le pays hôte » sera consacrée à un sujet d’importance 
pour le Rwanda : la résolution efficace des litiges fiscaux.

Le symposium promet une fois de plus d'être un creuset de leadership et d'idées pratiques, propulsant l'Afrique vers un avenir fiscal plus résilient et plus équitable. 

Frais de conférence

685 USD

Une réduction de 20 % est accordée aux personnes qui s'inscrivent avant le 28 mars 2025.

Si vous vous inscrivez avant la date limite, la réduction pour l'inscription anticipée sera automatiquement appliquée au montant facturé. 

Si vous êtes un auteur ou un représentant de l'administration fiscale, ou si vous souhaitez vous inscrire en tant que groupe, veuillez contacter : conference@ibfd.org

Masterclass pré-symposium

Un master class sera organisée les 26 et 27 mai, dans les jours précédant le symposium. S'appuyant sur le succès des précédentes éditions, le Master class Afrique 2025 proposera des sessions sur mesure pour approfondir la compréhension des participants et leur fournir des informations pratiques sur les défis fiscaux actuels. Cette formation complète est idéale pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer de manière plus intensive le paysage fiscal régional avant le symposium. 

Rejoignez-nous à Kigali pour cette célébration historique des 10 ans et participez à la conversation qui façonnera l'avenir de la fiscalité en Afrique! 

Conference fee
685 USD

20% Early Bird Discount is available if you register before 28 March 2025.

Early bird discount, if registered before the deadline, will be automatically applied in the invoiced amount. 

If you are an author or someone from tax authority, or would like to register as a group, please contact: conference@ibfd.org


Supported by

Rwanda Revenue Authority
African tax institute
IFA Africa

Event Programme

Taiwo Oyedele

Chairman, Presidential Fiscal Policy
and Tax Reforms Committee, Nigeria



Marlene Nembhard Parker

Deputy Commissioner General - Legal Support Division, Tax Administration Jamaica, Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Jamaica, & Co-Chair of OECD / G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS 


Catherine Lemesle

Secretary General, Cercle Réflexion Échange Dirigeants Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF), France 



Dr. Esther A. P. Koisin 

Executive Director, Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) 

Chenai Mukumba

Executive Director, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Kenya 


Prof. Annet Oguttu 

Professor of Taxation, Director of the African Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Belema Obuoforibo 

Director, IBFD Knowledge Centre, & Chair, Centre for Studies in African Taxation, & Member, IBFD Executive Board 


Prof. Dr. Victor van Kommer

Director, IBFD Capacity Building, & Member, IBFD Executive Board 


Prof. Dr. Johann Hattingh 

Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town, South Africa, & Chief Editor, Bulletin for International Taxation, IBFD, & Member, & Member, CSAT External Advisory Committee 

Laila Benchekroun 

Head of International Taxation and Cooperation Division, Moroccan General Tax Administration, & Member, CSAT External Advisory Committee 

Jibrin Dasun 

Senior Associate, Aelex, Nigeria


Monique van Herksen 

Partner, Tax and Transfer Pricing, Simmons & Simmons, The Netherlands 



Michael Hewson 

Director, Graphene Economics, South Africa, and Member, Transfer Pricing Economists for Development 

Christine Kahema Muthui 

Founder and Director, Alpha Tax and Business Advisory Services, Kenya, & Member, CSAT External Advisory Committee 


Kehinde Kajesomo 

Deputy Director, Treaties & International Tax Policy Division, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Nigeria 


Prof. Des Kruger

Consultant, Webber Wentzel Attorneys, South Africa 

Fabiola Ssebuyoya

Tax Partner, KPMG Tanzania 


Dieudonné Nzafashwanayo

Tax and Corporate Partner, ENS Africa, Rwanda 

Prof. Dr. Zach Pouga

Partner, International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young, USA 

Jan Maarten Slagter

Chief Executive Officer, IBFD, & Member, IBFD Executive Board


Hanita van der Meulen

Director, IBFD Markets & Clients, & Member, IBFD Executive Board

Aisha Aize Isa

Manager, Centre for Studies in African Taxation (CSAT), & Managing Principal, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD  

Luis Nouel

Manager, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD



Yvette Nakibuule Wakabi

Managing Senior, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD  


Sabrine Marsit

Managing Senior, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD 

Carlos Gutiérrez Puente

Senior Principal Associate, Capacity Building Department, IBFD 

Birhanu Tadesse Daba 

Principal Associate, Capacity Building Department, IBFD  

Aziz Son 

Senior Associate, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD  

Tarynn Isaacs

Associate, Africa Middle East Knowledge Group, IBFD  


Opening Ceremony

Photo Session & Tea Break

Session 1: An overview of the International Tax Landscape

Lunch Break

Spotlight: The Tenth Anniversary of the Africa Tax Symposium

Session 2: Implementing the Global Minimum Tax in Africa – Practical, Legislative, and Policy Perspectives

Tea Break

Session 3: Moving Beyond Pillar One – the State of Digital Taxation in Africa

Closing remarks 

Opening remarks

Special Address: Ten Years on From the BEPS Project – The State of the African Tax Landscape

Session 4: Transfer Pricing in Africa: Recent Developments, Practical Strategies, and Policy Perspectives

Tea Break

Spotlight: The IBFD BEPS Assessment Tool

Session 5: Tax Treaty Practice in Africa – Controversies, Complexities and Dispute Resolution

Lunch Break

Session 6: Trade and Investment in Africa

Tea Break

Session 7: Host Country Focus: Effective Dispute Prevention and Resolution in Rwanda

Closing remarks

Symposium Gala Dinner

Opening remarks

Session 8 : Building a Sustainable System for Domestic Resource Mobilisation

Spotlight: CSAT-WATAF Research Collaboration

Tea Break

Special Address Tax Administration in Africa – Past, Present, and Future

Session 9 : The UN Framework Convention – Potential Gains & Pitfalls for Africa

Closing ceremony