Events and Competitions

Business people at an event


We bring together the best minds in the field to inspire new insights and perspectives.

  • We organize academic events to allow tax practitioners, students and researchers to meet, discuss and exchange views with top tax scholars.
  • We participate in forums, dialogues and conferences to stimulate the international debate.
  • We (co-)organize competitions to encourage students to achieve academic excellence.



IBFD Academic Tax Conference


Each year, IBFD's Academic Tax Conference (ATC) convenes at its Amsterdam headquarters to discuss pertinent topics of international and European tax law. A blind peer review process is used to select from the long abstracts submitted in line with the conference theme after the call for papers is announced.

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Doctoral Meeting of Researchers in International Taxation (DocMIT) and Postdoctoral International Tax Forum (PITF)


The purpose of the DocMIT and PITF is to provide researchers with an opportunity to discuss their current research projects with leading academics and a select circle of colleagues. Participants will benefit from tailored coaching provided by our panel of international tax professors, as well as from feedback provided by peers from around the world.


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IBFD Frans Vanistendael Award for International Tax Law


This annual award promotes and celebrates scientific research of the highest standards. An international jury judges the submitted publications and selects the work that makes the most outstanding contribution to the development of international tax law.

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IBFD-KU Leuven Moot Court Competition


IBFD and the University of Leuven jointly organize the annual European and International Tax Moot Court Competition. It provides a unique opportunity for students from around the world to develop their presentation and debating skills.


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Supported Events

International Conference on Taxpayer Rights


We actively support this conference, exploring the role of taxpayers’ rights as the foundation of effective tax administration. Organized by the Center for Taxpayer Rights; a leading forum on taxpayers’ rights that connects government officials, scholars, and practitioners from around the world.

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EATLP Annual Congress


We support the European Association of Tax Law Professors in the organization of their annual congress. Held in a different city each year, this world-class congress focuses on a specific topic in the field of tax law.


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