Global Trade and Customs: a Practical Comparison of Major Jurisdictions

A Practical Comparison of Major Jurisdictions

Global Trade and Customs
Your go-to IBFD reference book for all things relating to global trade and customs rules. This important work provides a comparative analysis of the customs rules and procedures in different countries. Chapters are dedicated to Brazil, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, the European Union and the United States. The topics covered range from the classification of goods to tariff information and from rules of origin to exemption from customs duties.

Why this book?

This book provides you with a comparative analysis of the customs rules that are central to global trade. It is unique in its focus not on one but seven jurisdictions. This makes it a valuable reference resource providing a wealth of information on customs practices and procedures in these key global trade countries.

It starts with an overview of customs-related topics on an international level. This is followed by separate chapters focusing on the key customs rules in Brazil, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, the European Union and the United States


  • Unique overview of customs practices in selected countries
  • Country chapters share a common structure, making it easy to compare topics among countries
  • A valuable and convenient reference tool for customs professionals, finance managers and everyone interested in global trade and customs.


Sample excerpt, including table of contents


Zsolt Szatmári


Michel Anliker, Nóra Bartos, Lynlee Brown, Yongwhan Choi, William Methenitis, Eline Polak, Freek van Rooyen, Najib Shah, Atsushi Shibata, Karolien Vandenberghe and Paulo Victor Vieira da Rocha.