Judgments: - Judgment of 25 October 2007: Case C-174/06 Ministero delle Finanze - Ufficio IVA di Milano v. CO.GE.P.Srl - Judgment of 18 December 2007: Case C-368/06 Cedilac SA v. Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie - Judgment of 6 December 2007: Case C-401/06 Commission of the European Communities v. the Federal Republic of Germany - Judgment of 13 December 2007: Case C-408/06 Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft v. Franz Götz - Judgment of 6 December 2007: Case C-451/06 Gabriele Walderdorff v. Finanzamt Waldviertel Opinions: - Opinion of 25 October 2007: Case C-132/06 Commission of the European Union v. Italian Republic - Opinion of 25 October 2007: Case C-271/06 Netto Supermarkt GmbH & Co. OHG v. Finanzamt Malchin - Opinion of 13 December 2007: Case C-309/06 Marks & Spencer plc v. Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise - Opinion of 11 December 2007: Case C-437/06 Securenta Göttinger Immobilienanlagen und Vermögensmanagment AG, as the legal successor of Göttinger Vermögensanlagen AG v. Finanzamt Göttingen - Opinion of 13 December 2007: Case C-98/07 Nordania Finans A/S, BG Factoring A/S v. Skatteministeriet President's Orders: - President's Order of 8 November 2007: Case C-456/07 Karol Mihal v. Danový úrad Kosice V New Cases: - Preliminary ruling: Case C-407/07 Stichting Centraal Begeleidingsorgaan voor de Intercollegiale Toetsing v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën - Preliminary ruling: Case C-426/07 Dariusz Krawczynski v. Dyrektor Izby Celnej w Bialymstoku - Preliminary ruling: Case C-456/07 Karol Mihal v. Danový úrad Kosice V - Preliminary ruling: Case C-460/07 Sandra Puffer v. Unabhängiger Finanzsenat, Außenstelle Linz - Preliminary ruling: Case C-488/07 Royal Bank of Scotland plc v. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs