What’s Happening in Brief: European Union

- Application of reduced rate of VAT to supplies of natural gas and electricity in Greece - ESC Opinion on proposal for persons liable for payment of VAT - ESC Opinion on proposal for right to deduction - Proposal to amend the Sixth Directive as regards the possibility of applying a reduced VAT rate on labour-intensive services - Commission notice on the VAT and excise rules to be applied from 1 July 1999 to supplies on board aircraft and ferries - Commission adopts report on VAT and the art market - Question from the European Parliament: Sixth Directive Article 10 - Question from the European Parliament: Interpretation of Article 4 of the Sixth VAT Directive - Question from the European Parliament: Taxation of electronic commerce - Question from the European Parliament: Compatibility with the Treaty of measures to defer payment of tax and reduce the tax liabilities of Sicilian firms - Question from the European Parliament: Lower rate of VAT